Sunday, September 27, 2015

Not mushy, but a Love Story.

Romeo & Juliet wasn't my favourite love story.
Neither was Heer Ranjha.
Cleopatra and Mark Antony?
Paris and Helena?
Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler, or Jane Eyre and Rochester?
Not even close.
Layla Majnu?
Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy?
Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal?
Hell no!

My favourite love story is one which I have seen closely. And personally. Seen it evolve in years. Seen it go through so much. Seen it sacrifice plenty of happiness and life of ease. Seen it say 'No' to a lot of sacrifice as well, and cling on to each other, just for love.
My favourite love story isn't an epic battle which has created a place of its own in the history of mankind, but it has captured my heart on a personal level.

I've been in love (like most people).
More than once (like many).
But, to me, an ideal love story is not 'Pride and Prejudice', or an Eric Segal classic. Neither is it mushy and over dramatic like Nora Roberts' novel. It isn't the much-charming on-screen love of SRK & Kajol either.

An ideal love story is one which has gone through plenty of ups and downs and yet decided to stick along. An ideal love story is one which is selfish, if I may say so. Selfish for their love. An ideal love story doesn't look for the best situations to be in love; they just are. All the time. Through thick and thin.

There's just one 'Love Story' I look at, as an ideal one. As my favourite. As the greatest love I have come across.
And I'm so proud of it.

Monday, September 07, 2015

Oh! Darling...

Darling, can we rewind?
Can we go back in time?
Can we un-fall in love?

Can we stop time at the first time you called?
Or perhaps the last one?
How about, the first time we met?

Darling, can we rewind?