Tuesday, June 27, 2017


And then, when you're tired of running around
Come home to me
I'll be here, waiting for you
I'll be the calm to your storm
I'll cradle that annoying inner child
Caressing your hair
Turning frowns upside down
Playfully teasing you around
I'll ferociously guard your heart
Love you louder each day
I'm gonna love you on crazy Friday nights
And I'll love you every Monday
I'll love you the same forever
Our love will find its way

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Spinning Away

If all else fails,
Indulge in spinning straw into gold...nothing is impossible,
Not for me, not for you, not for the lightning that shimmers and strikes the Earth!

Sunday, July 03, 2016

Anniversary - Tiny Tale

One year back, she lost her mother.
One month back, he lost his father.
They couldn't decide what to do with their Sundays anymore.

In memory of my grandparents.

And for my parents - who look lost on a strange, depressing, rainy Sunday.

Epidemic - Tiny Tale

And even after the major throw out session...
Your little love notes keep popping up from out of nowhere.

You were too much a part of my life.

After effects to an epidemic last long!